Love encourages.
"Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble " ( Isaiah 35:3).
"Encourage one another and build up one another ... Encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14).
I continue being reminded that marriage is a unique friendship designed by God where two people live together in flawed imperfection but deal with it by encouraging each other, not discouraging them.
Perhaps I have spent most of my past years as a "speck" inspector making my loved ones spend most days sensing more of my disapproval than my acceptance.
I choose to live by encouragement rather than by expectations.
I choose to focus on personal responsibility and improving myself rather than on demanding more from my wife.
Marriage is a relationship to be enjoyed and savored along the way.
I am making a commitment tonight to daily let go of unrealistic expectations and become my wife's greatest encourager.
Oh! That you may grant me this Grace, God, I beg of you in Jesus precious name. Amen.